MP3: ‘Last Action Heroes’ By @GetCryphy (@PlainOleBill @Jimmy2Times @LastWordMPLS @DJFundo)

MP3: 'Last Action Heroes' By @GetCryphy (@PlainOleBill @Jimmy2Times @LastWordMPLS @DJFundo)

DJs Plain Ole Bill, Jimmy2Times, Fundo, and Last Word (collectively known as Get Cryphy) stitch together a rap frankenstein in a megamix style, surgically slicing up over 200 current and classic hip hop bangers.

Get Cryphy will also be performing at our annual Official Soundset AFTER PARTY on Sunday, May 24, 2015. Tickets are available at Fifth Element & ETix. If you’re also purchasing Soundset tickets, you can get tickets the Official After Party with your festival tickets upon checking out.