The Cast Of ‘When Love Kills’ Speak On Their Roles In The Movie & More w/The Breakfast Club

The Cast Of 'When Love Kills' Speak On Their Roles In The Movie & More w/The Breakfast Club

The cast of “When Love Kills” recently came though The Breakfast Club to chop it up about the film & much more:

  • Tasha Smith’s directing debut
  • Lil Mama playing a stripper
  • Lil Mama wanting to be called by her real name
  • Lance Gross playing a different type of role this time around
  • What Lance did to prepare for his role
  • How Tami Roman being a mother differs from her character Stacie
  • If Jackie Christie is a negligent mother
  • The real Falicia Blakely
  • Tasha Smith being a stripper back in the day
  • Tami Roman getting credit as an actress