Beyoncé Honors Colin Kaepernick w/Muhammad Ali Legacy Award & Racists Lose It

Beyoncé honoring Colin Kaepernick with Muhammad Ali Legacy Award on December 6, 2017 [Press Photo]

As we go into 2018, the old saying still applies: “the more things change, the more they stay the same”. With that said, Beyoncé recently honored Colin Kaepernick with Sports Illustrated‘s Muhammad Ali Legacy Award and the racists took to social media to go out of their minds foaming at the mouth.

Kaepernick received this award for his willingness to put his job on the line by taking a knee during the national anthem to protest police brutality & systemic racism, which the world already knows the outcome of the situation so we won’t go into it here.

Beyoncé had this to say while presenting the award:

“Colin took action with no fear of consequence or repercussion, only hope to change the world for the better. To change the way we treat each other — especially people of color. We’re still waiting for the world to catch up. It’s been said that racism is so American that when we protest racism, some assume we’re protesting America.”

Other NFL players have since followed suit, which has 45 & his supporters to go out of their minds.

If interested, you can read more racist tweets via Raw Story!!!