The Grio | A 29-year-old woman who was cursed at, called the n-word and spat on by a Louisiana homeowner will return to work this week, but Brandi Worley says she remains shaken by the incident last Tuesday. Meanwhile, the man who did it said he “blanked,” as the result of a really bad day.
“We were outside and we were cleaning up a one lane street,” said Worley, who works as a debris assessor for Metric Engineering, a FEMA contractor in Grand Isle. “You had whole houses worth of debris set on the side of the curb for crews to clean up. It was a scene like [Hurricane Katrina]; just miles and miles of debris, wreckage from houses piled up.”
Worley said she and two other black women were working with a crew of about a half dozen men, all of whom were white. The narrow road only allowed one truck at a time to make its way through the houses and debris, and so when the truck was hauling a load away, the crews had perhaps 20 minutes of downtime in the searing heat. She said she and the other workers were resting underneath a tree when an angry homeowner emerged from his property and began yelling at the crew.
Worley said the man, Josh Jambon, 51, began askign “who was in charge and why was there trash on his property. One of the ladies told him nicely our supervisor is not out here yet, [and] we’ll let you know when he comes out here.” But she said, Jambon began yelling and cursing at the crew, yelling, “look at the lazy pack of niggers sitting under the tree!”
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