Watch The Lyric Video For HA~MystiQue%*’s ‘Dark Magik’ Single

Rjsz Bni

Mystery is intriguing isn’t it?

We are a wondrous Community of Hip Hop listeners so when we hear something intriguing, we want to find more about it. HA~MystiQue%*–also known as the 3rd delegate of the Legendary Hip Hop group Camp Lo and is featured on every Camp Lo album (as Jungle Brown) known to date–brings us his intrigue with his new single “Dark Magik”.

Dark Magik”, a (sample-freedom) Tribeca production, has the feel of a tribal ritual that will rid you of all the bad vibes and energies that may be around you. This Bronx Power Poet spits in natives tongues that De La, Tribe, and The Jungle Bros. will greatly appreciate.

In these Dark ages, you need Dark Magik to light the way. Press Play!