Haters gonna hate, or how to deal with bullies online. We constantly see offensive, hateful, and even threatening comments on social media. But why are people so mean and nasty to complete strangers online?
Anonymity and lack of accountability make it a perfect storm for online rudeness. Your looks, habits, the way you talk – anything can become the subject of online harassment nowadays. And cyberbullying can affect a person emotionally and physically, from feeling sad to losing sleep and developing anxiety. Online bullying can be particularly hard on teenagers, putting some at risk of self-harm or suicidal behaviors.
RTD takes a look at the origins of cyberbullying and online hate from the standpoint of female bloggers. Russian bloggers like Mila Levchuk, Natasha Krasnova, Doctor AnnaMama, and Vika Dmitrieva, who have millions of followers on Instagram, speak candidly about what it’s like to receive hate messages from anonymous users on a daily basis. They ask them if online hatred gets to them and how they handle it. As women, their looks are often singled out for online hatred. Experts and internet safety coaches explain what may lurk inside the minds of the internet trolls.