Video: Watch ‘It’s Not So Black And White (R.I.P Eric Garner)’ By @SuliBreaks

Video: Watch 'It's Not So Black And White (R.I.P Eric Garner)' By @SuliBreaks

“As I announced on twitter earlier this week after the Eric Garner case came out, I needed to log off before I said some shit I would regret. As an individual I try to be as much of an ‘artist’ as possible and refrain from getting too emotionally outspoken about current affairs; I prefer to translate my views artistically with appropriate timing and planning. But also as an individual, sometimes I just can’t help myself.

This is my view on the Eric Garner verdict.

I decline from this point onwards all interviews, emails, or queries, regarding my views on the subject matter. If you want to know what I believe, everything is in the poem below. This is MY opinion. If you agree, you agree, if you disagree, then you disagree. I don’t care. And now I am going to try and keep the rest of the shit I need to say until the album is ready.” –Suli Breaks