Video: Watch As Hundreds March For #LennonLacy In Bladenboro, North Carolina

Audio: Lynching Death Of Black Bladenboro, North Carolina Teen Comes Into Question

Hundreds gathered at The First Baptist Church in Bladenboro on Saturday to march for Lennon Lacy, the 17 year old West Bladen High School student who was found dead in August.

The NAACP held the march to encourage law enforcement to keep searching for what they call, the truth in the ongoing investigation into the teenagers death.

Those in attendance said the march was about justice and the healing power of truth. One man said it is important to continue this investigation. “We’re not going to stop with the progress until we get the answers and the justice that we need”, he said.

The FBI is now officially involved with the investigation, and District Attorney Jon David says he hopes this will only help the Lacy family and the community find the answers they are searching for.

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