Video: @TheRapFest Presents K Camp (@KCamp427) @Stage48NYC On 8.6.2015

Video: @TheRapFest Presents K Camp (@KCamp427) @Stage48NYC On 8.6.2015

If you live in the NYC metro area, you might remember The RapFest’s recent showcase for emerging artists that was a big hit. Recently, The RapFest announced that they are venturing into live concerts & touring with some of your favorite artists. Their first event is scheduled for Thursday August 6, 2015 at Stage 48 in NYC with 2015’s XXL Freshman, K Camp as the headliner. Also performing live will be Manolo Rose, Retch, Chad B, & DARK ATM among other special surprise guests.

The hosts for the event are none other than the bad guy, Taxstone & the wave God, 40 oz VAN!!! To get your tickets, visit or text KCAMP to 313131 for VIP tickets, bottle service, & all access backstage passes to meet K Camp in person!!! General admission is priced at $30 for early ticket-holders. Don’t miss this concert to close out the summer in NYC!!!! Enjoy & see you there, show starts at 8pm so get there early!!!