Video: #TheGuvnors (@GuvnorsFilm) » Movie Trailer + Interview With @FlavourMag (@Filmmadzed)

Video: #TheGuvnors (@GuvnorsFilm) » Movie Trailer + Interview With @FlavourMag (@Filmmadzed)

Mitch (Doug Allen) was once part of a legendary South East London firm, where football hooliganism was just part of life, casual violence and intimidation was all he lived for.

Now, many years on, he is happily married, living a life of suited and booted normality in suburban London after turning his back on that life. Unfortunate for him that is until Adam (Harley Sylvester of UK hip-hop duo Rizzle Kicks), the leader of a gang of youthful thugs from a London Housing estate, is put in his place by the godfather of the once notorious “Guvnors” Mickey (David Essex), by giving him a much deserved slap. This one little incident starts the spiral of violent revenge as the aging Guvnors reform in order to take out this jumped up little upstart. It’s a fight to the death as both sides set out to prove which gang is really the top dog of the manor, no matter what the cost.

There’s a long list of films that hit on the subject of hooliganism most set in their own categories, director/writer, Gabe Turner has successful managed to combine the violence from the old school football firms and the modern day bullying and thuggery from the poverished streets of ghetto London, held together with family feuds, a lacing of humour and above all a sense of loyalty and respect.

The storyline is intriguing but it is pretty basic and brainless and at times was overly drawn out and leaves you wanting it to just hurry up and move on. However this can be forgiven, when it comes to telling this story it doesn’t need to come wrapped in pretty bows and glitter. It’s raw and gritty and with the flashbacks to Mitch and the rest of The Guvnors in their hayday kicking the crap out of the other hardcore football fans just for the sake of having a good “ruck” it gives it that authentic feel.

Give the trailer for “The Guvnors” movie a watch below:

Give Flavour Magazine’s interview with Harley Sylvester (of UK rap group Rizzle Kicks) & Gabe Turner (writer/director of “The Guvnors“) a watch below:

News source courtesy of Flavour Magazine!!!