Video: @Th5Pentagon » Countdown (Unofficial) [Dir. @HighImpactMda]

Video: @Th5Pentagon » Countdown (Unofficial) [Dir. @HighImpactMda]

The official unofficial music video for “Countdown” by THE-5IVE (now known as TH5 PENTAGON). Originated in 2009 and comprised of solo artists, the supergroup disbanded before we could shoot an actual video for this song. I decided I would put this video together as a salute to one of the hottest supergroups that the world may never know of. Salute to Jawz Of Life, BIGREC, Shred The Verbal Tongue, Snub Zero, & KP. The R.E.G.I.M.E. aka THE-5IVE aka TH5 PENTAGON. –Will F. (of High Impact Multimedia)