Video: Samaria Rice & Benjamin Crump Let Young Black Men Know…’#YourLifeMatters’!!!

Video: Samaria Rice & Benjamin Crump Let Young Black Men Know...'#YourLifeMatters'!!!

Attorney Benjamin Crump & Samaria Rice, the mother of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, shared a message to young men of color reminding them that “Your Life Matters”.

Rice, whose 12-year-old son was killed by a Cleveland police officer while the boy was carrying an airsoft toy gun, encouraged African American youth to remember that they are special, just as her son was. She implored our youth to “keep God first” and wished them well telling them to be blessed.

She also urged young people in the Black community to not just go to school, but finish school & to make your parents proud.

Crump said:

“You are still here and please note that your life matters regardless of whatever you see on the videos, whatever you see the police do, whatever you see the court system do, whatever you see the grand juries do.”

Crump added:

“None of that decreases your value in any way because they can always try to define you for themselves, but they can never define your for yourself.”

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