Video: Promo For @GodsIlla’s Upcoming Album ‘#BelieveInGodsIlla’

Video: Promo For @GodsIlla's Upcoming Album '#BelieveInGodsIlla'

Late last year, HiPNOTT Records quietly signed DMV rap group Gods’Illa in anticipation of their upcoming album ‘Believe In Gods’Illa’. Yesterday, HiPNOTT Records officially announced the signing of the trio (consisting of Acem Eternal Mind, God Allah Truth, & Powerful Rasheem Mathematics) to the label. It’s been nearly 4 years since Gods’Illa released their ‘CPR BlendTape‘ hosted by Erykah Badu. Since then they have been steadily performing up and down the East Coast and quietly working on their next album.

Gods’Illa gives the world a glimpse at the artwork for ‘Believe In Gods’Illa’ in the form of an animated video clip. The cover art is design by the highly talented Good Bully, who recently designed the cover art for Wale’s ‘Album About Nothing‘.