Video: @Power1051 Interviews @TatyanaAli [3.10.2014]

Video: @Power1051 Interviews @TatyanaAli [3.10.2014]

Tatyana Ali was a little nervous to handle her Breakfast Club interview but she loosened up after a while. The interview was great because The Breakfast Club learned a few new facts about this actor/singer!

1) She feels like men have no home-training at times. There was a date she had once and she was offended the gentleman didn’t want to come inside to meet her parents. The stay with her parents is temporary as she fixes up her new place and his gesture of texting that “I’m outside” left her pissed. Tatyana put it simply, “have some balls” if you’re looking to take her out on a date.

2) When she had her first photo-shoot with King magazine it was to celebrate her body and moment. Compared to the model features the magazine hosts now, it differed greatly from the time she shot her flicks. Back then, according to Tatyana, you were able to cover up more.

3) Wendy Williams made her so nervous when she asked if she slept with Drake. Tatyana went on to share with The Breakfast Club that intense moments make her nervous and she laughs to cope. She was nearly mortified when the audio clip of the show was replied during the interview.

Learn more from the full interview below: