Video: @Power1051 Interviews Omarion (@1Omarion) [5.2.2014]

Video: @Power1051 Interviews Omarion (@1Omarion) [5.2.2014]

Omarion’s expecting his first child with his girlfriend & The Breakfast Club asked if the couple will be part of “Love & Hip Hop: LA“. It’s rumored that they’ll join the show when information was leaked on the cast of show.

There wasn’t a direct response about his involvement with “Love & Hip Hop: LA“, but his reply suggested that he’ll be on the show.

“I can’t confirm that [I’m joining a reality show].

“Truthfully, I been doing it a long time. I think there is another part of me that people don’t really understand. So if I did have an opportunity to let people in my life [on a reality show] then I wouldn’t mind.”

It sounds like Omarion is ready for the world to discover who he really is outside of being an artist. Guess, we have to wait for the official trailer of “LHHLA” to find out if he’ll join the cast or not.

Peep the full interview to learn more about Omarion below: