Video: #MikeEpps (@TheRealMikeEpps) Presents ‘#ThatsRacist: Episodes 1-10’

Video: #MikeEpps (@TheRealMikeEpps) Presents '#ThatsRacist: Episodes 1-10'

Mike Epps’ web series with AOL Originals, titled “That’s Racist”, seeks to get to the bottom of the many stereotypes that continue to divide & conquer the world at large. Epps uses humor to explore how history & fact often become a derogatory, but sometimes laughable, shorthand.

Mike Epps’ “That’s Racist” web series touches on many stereotypes, such as: all Black people love fried chicken or can’t swim, all Jews are cheap, all Irish people are drunks, all Mexicans are lazy, all Asians are smart, & so on and so on.

You can give the first 10 episodes of “That’s Racist” a watch below…