Synopsis: Michelle Jamieson is too smart for faith. She has been raised in the tired traditions of her deeply religious family & is ready to expand her independent thought & stand in her logical, free-will. When the opportunity arises for her to separate from her Washington D.C. home & her bible-thumping parents, she takes a scholarship for her sought after medical program at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Eager to base her beliefs in the proof of science & develop her life decisions on the tangible experience of medicine – where every effect has a root cause & miracles come in the form of prescription slips; she wisps across the country to find her path, her truth. But what she finds supersedes her natural existence – making her mortality vulnerable to the spiritual realm she so comfortably doubted. Michelle stays in a Minneapolis mansion, a family property dating back many generations. She begins to encounter strange & unexplainable occurrences. As she is forced to investigate, what she uncovers is a world of family secrets & unspeakable evils that God himself may not save her from. In whose name will she cry out now???
Starring: Jennifer Jayleen Martinez, Faizon Love, & Luenell Campbell
Writers: Roy Belfrey & Thurl Belfrey
Directors: Roy Belfrey
Release Date: TBA
Copyright: © 2014 MN Finest Records