Video: @InasX – Gets Me High

Video: @InasX - Gets Me High

Brooklyn native Inas X is ready to take you on an emotional journey with the release of her new single, “Gets Me High”. This song will give you the motivation you need to get you through the day. The music video demonstrates Inas X overcoming various scenarios we see on a day to day basis. From fighting with her love interest, to then receiving an eviction notice from her apartment, Inas X reacts to the negativity and eventually breaks free to rise to the top. “Gets Me High” will be available for purchase on all major retailers such as Spotify | iTunes.

Inas X’s goal in life is to spread love & knowledge. She believes this world needs more honesty and care, and will stop at nothing to get her message across.

What doesn’t kill me gets me high”, is a lyric anyone can relate to and the perfect pick me up for anyone going through a hard time. Inas X vocalizes through her lyrics that no matter what life throws at you, you have to come back stronger and conquer the world.