Video: #HowToMakeItInTheMusicIndustry » Mini-Documentary [@BatmanVAPromotr @RebelSociety1]

Video: #HowToMakeItInTheMusicIndustry » Mini-Documentary [@BatmanVAPromotr @RebelSociety1]

The Rebel Society has partnered with Darknight Entertainment to present you the mini-documentary, “How To Make It In The Music Industry“. This documentary is designed to help aspiring and upcoming music artists navigate their way from just being a local artist just starting out to becoming a signed or a buzz worthy artist. With this documentary, we sat down with Def Jam’s own Charles “Batman” Brown who has worked with artists such as Travis Porter, Verse Simmonds, Rock City, and much more. So if you are an artist who is looking to be taken serious within the music industry, this is definitely something you should sit down and watch just to get some insight into the music industry. –The Rebel Society

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