Video: @GranddadWoolly – R.T.B. 1

Granddad Woolly - R.T.B. 1 [Track Artwork]

It’s been 2 1/2 years since Atlanta, GA/Northwest, IN emcee & now Youtuber Granddad Woolly has dropped a music video and he makes his grand return with the new promotional video “R.T.B. 1”. Produced by Philadelphia’s own Thought Product, The Granddad unleashes a barrage of bars filled with clever metaphors, wisdom, & wordplay to serve as a lyrical exercise for himself and the listener.

The main reason of the video is to begin awareness of the planned full-length album with Portugal producer CHIKANO set to release this year. CHIKANO & Granddad Woolly have also launched a Kickstarter campaign to forward the proper completion of the album.

“R.T.B. 1” shows that The Granddad not only still has it, but has managed to get even better over time.