Video: GOP Only Supports ‘Free Money’ & Government Handouts For The Rich

Video: GOP Only Supports ‘Free Money’ & Government Handouts For The Rich

Not exactly a new topic, but I thought I’d still shine light on it.

Quotes from Bill Maher:

“Someone has to explain to me why Republicans believe that not working and getting free money — you know, like the ‘takers’ — is the worst most corrupting thing that could ever happen to a person, except if you’re rich.”

“The very first thing our new Republican Congress tried to do was get rid of any tax on inherited wealth, which they call the death tax, although really, what better time is there to pay a tax than when you’re dead?”

“Yeah, we used to understand that and the estate tax used to be pretty high, but then President George W. Bush came along and worked tirelessly to make sure that rich, idle trust fund brats got every penny that was coming to them.”

“I wonder where he got the idea to reward dumb asses who leach off their dad’s success.”

*The topic starts @ 2:33!!!

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