Video: Flex Hogan Leaks Track From Drake’s Alleged Ghostwriter, Quentin Miller

Funkmaster Flex In January 2015 [Press Photo]

More trouble for Drake. 24 hours after Meek Mill outed him for allegedly employing a ghostwriter named Quentin Miller to pen his verses, Hot 97’s Funkmaster Flex came forward with some evidence that seems to corroborate Meek’s story.

On-air this evening, Flex leaked a reference track that Miller recorded for Drake’s “10 Bands,” off of his latest, ‘If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late’. “I got this from someone in Drake’s camp,” Flex said. “They reached out. They saw me keeping it 100 on [Instagram.]”

According to Flex’s source, Drake has Miller on retainer for the bargain price of $5,000 per month to be his scribe. “If Drake does write everything,” Flex said, “everyone owes him an apology. If he doesn’t, I go on the record as [saying] he’s a fraud.”

If you’re just catching up with the drama, here’s our 101 on Quentin Miller and some points to ponder as you decide if you really even care that he may or may not write his own raps.

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