Video: @CocoonMovements (@SyntaxIsADummy @TheRealLIFELong @ElohemStar) » Dark

Video: @CocoonMovements (@SyntaxIsADummy @TheRealLIFELong @ElohemStar) » Dark

New York City music imprint CocoonMovements presents “Dark”, the first leak off the ‘Caterpillar Steps’ compilation album (slated to drop in 2015). The single features the Cocoon’s caterpillars Syntax, Liggy (aka L.I.F.E. Long), & ElohemStar on the vocals, along with French producer Fatra Beats on the boards. Lookout for the compilation dropping in 2015 via CocoonMovements, along with the upcoming ElohemStar LP ‘LW2AC (Lone Wolf 2 Abandoned Cub)’. Syntax’s debut solo album ‘Dialog’a’Rhythmic‘ is out now!!! Plus the free stream/download of the CocoonMovements presents…’Stages Of The Pupa‘ digi-tape!!!