“Citizen Koch – Official Movie Trailer”
Synopsis: In this searing exposé on the state of democracy in America & the fracturing of the Republican Party, Academy Award®-nominated directors Carl Deal & Tia Lessin (“Trouble The Water“; co-producers of “Fahrenheit 9/11” & “Bowling For Columbine“) follow the money behind the rise of the Tea Party. “Citizen Koch” investigates the impact of unlimited, anonymous spending by corporations & billionaires on the electoral process, featuring stories of life-long Republicans whose loyalty is tested when their families become collateral damage in the GOP fight to take organized labor out at the knees. Alternately terrifying & funny, “Citizen Koch” is an essential & powerful portrait of our political times.
Directors: Carl Deal & Tia Lessin
Release Date: June 6th, 2014
Copyright: © 2014 Variance Films