In 2003, Bone Crusher made a name for himself within Atlanta Hip-Hop’s scene. By hopping onboard the surging crunk movement, his debut single “Never Scared” (featuring Killer Mike & T.I.) became a gold-certified, top 40 hit.
Although it would go on to be his only taste of the musical mainstream, the record propelled the career of T.I. and landed the oversized rapper into VH1’s pool of reality stars & earn him small roles in Hollywood.
When asked to reflect on how his legacy is being carried on in the present day however, the man born Wayne Hardnett, Jr. wasn’t exactly a proud poppa, telling VLAD TV how “garbage” he felt it was.
“What happened is that the children–It’s like right now it’s a fine…,” he began. “When we did it was no Atlanta scene. It wasn’t none of that. We had Outkast and Organized [Noize]. They were great, man. They did wonderful things for this city. But it wasn’t a movement until Tip and me and [Lil[ Jon and Ying Yang [Twins]. And we came in and made it of the street. Where Outkast and Organized made you at a higher level, which is amazing. And we needed that. We brought the street, the real gritty, gritty, grut street to it. And that made everybody go crazy.”
Bone Crusher went on to describe the current generation’s lack of studying the pioneers as reason for his opinion.
Watch BC’s video below and let us know if you feel he has a valid point or he’s just an old head hating. Keep in mind that 2 Chainz, Rich Homie Quan and yes, T.I. are amongst the highest ranked ATLiens in the game right now.
[xyz-ihs snippet=”BoneCrusherSaysTheATLRapSceneIsGarbageOnVladTV”]
News source courtesy of Hip Hop Wired & video source courtesy of VladTV!!!