Video: Bobby Brown’s Nephew Shayne Puts Star In Check For Talking Reckless On Air

Video: Bobby Brown’s Nephew Shayne Puts Star In Check For Talking Reckless On Air

Shot 97 host Star was apparently scheduled to speak with a member of Bobbi Kristina Brown’s family about the 21-year-old’s medical condition. A man that identified himself as Bobby Brown’s nephew Shayne called into Star’s show, but once on the air the guest refused to speak about his cousin.

Shayne Brown says:

“I’m not gonna answer no questions about Bobbi Kristina. I’m answering questions about the family brawl, the family tension. So if you don’t wanna touch that topic, then we can end the conversation.”

There were reports family members got into a fight earlier this month at an Atlanta hotel. Shayne’s mother, Tina, allegedly hit him in the head with a bottle. Star appeared uninterested in addressing that particular issue.

Star tells Shayne:

“I think we should end the conversation, and you should fuck off”. And fuck your bitch ass uncle. I never gave a fuck about him. How dare you call me about your family. We just wanna see your family shooting and fighting. Is Bobbi Kristina still on the machine or she’s not? It’s on TMZ. The fuck are you talking about you don’t wanna discuss it?”

The conversation turned to Shayne issuing threats. Star then suggests Shayne and his mother were fighting over crack cocaine. Brown eventually tells the host, “I will see you.”

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