Video: Black Iowa Woman Facing 1 Year In Jail & $10K Fine For Doing Cornrows w/o License

Video: Black Iowa Woman Facing 1 Year In Jail & $10K Fine For Doing Cornrows w/o License

Isis Brantley fought for 20 years to be able to practice natural hair braiding unlicensed in Texas but unfortunately for Iowans this terrible policy, that affects & holds back many African-American women, still holds.

Iowans need to go through thousands of hours of unrelated training (natural hair braiding is not a requirement of the course) to gain a cosmetology license to braid hair naturally.

This is madness & has resulted in many violent arrests, raids, & ridiculously over the top treatment of women who just want to make a small & simple business. Most of these women are likely low income & are just trying to get a small wage by doing something that they are good at, a valuable skill.

Of course, these laws massively affect the Black community. The money to get the licenses is simply not an option for low income women…

Isis Brantley recently shared a video of a woman speaking on her Facebook page. The video is of a woman explaining her current fight against Iowa. She currently is fighting a potential one year in jail & a $10,000 fine simply for braiding, making corn rolls, unlicensed.

You can give the video on this matter a watch below…