Have you ever dreamed so much that you can’t sleep at night??? An interesting notion from the Mass-based emcee Antonio Breez. When you toss & turn with thoughts of reaching the same level of stardom as your icons, insomnia is the least of your worries. We all have dreams, but only a select few go-getters are able to make them come true.
“Can’t Sleep” serves as the ideal track to define one’s personal devotion over the soothingly hypnotizing production supplied by Official Stichel. Instead of waiting for other people to discover his talents, Breez takes the initiative by outlining his future objectives; an impressive feat for such a young talent.
Check it out & keep Antonio on your radar as he gets set to release his forthcoming full-length effort, ‘Faith & Dreams‘, through Gittuff Entertainment.
You can also stream & download this track on SoundCloud & AudioMack!!!