Video: Actor/Comedian @KingBach Shares His Story On #TheBizzPlan (@NoniBizz)

Video: Actor/Comedian @KingBach Shares His Story On #TheBizzPlan (@NoniBizz)

Benoni Tagoe is using every resource at his disposal to teach Black millennials how to empower themselves through financial literacy with a new web series The Bizz Plan.

“I have a lot of friends who know how to get money, but they don’t know how to keep it,” said Tagoe. “A lot of people who grew up like me, they fell into the same cycle as their parents. I wanted to create something that urban millennials could learn from.”

Research shows that Black spending has topped $1 trillion, and millennials spend more than they are bringing in. That’s where The Bizz Plan comes in.

Sometimes the way financial literacy is framed makes it hard for millennials to engage the information, said Tagoe. In other words, if what’s being said is boring and stale, why bother listening in the first place?

“You’re learning things from a 50-year-old white man. No one wants to pay attention to that because they don’t know the culture,” he said.

So Tagoe tapped influencers he thought could speak directly to Black millennials. He brought in the likes of Vine superstar King Bach, blogger Taye Hansberry and REVOLT editorial director Julian Mitchell, among others, to give snippets of advice based on their own experiences in business and finance. Would their perspective touch the audience? Tagoe says so far it has.

“I didn’t know how people were going to receive it,” he said. “I’ve heard nothing but positive feedback from it. I go on YouTube and read the comments and people say, ‘This series has helped me figure things out.’ If people received the soft launch well, I can’t wait for what’s next.”

And what’s next is Tagoe expanding his brand and The Bizz Plan. Right now, he’s gearing up for national workshops to teach financial literacy and a series of books for the same purpose.

“Everybody is waiting for something like this,” Tagoe said. “I want to educate [people].”

Watch comedian/actor King Bach share his story on The Bizz Plan below…

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