Umar Johnson Was Recently Caught Doing This…

Umar Johnson Back In July 6, 2019 [press Photo]

With the history of hypocrisy behind Black people of the hotep variety, what happened recently comes as no surprise.

“Umar Johnson” has spent years on end spewing nonsense that only he and his “followers” (whichever ones that are left anyway lol) can comprehend.

Some of the main nonsense he spews consists of his “hatred” for white people (white women in particular) as evidenced below…

Now, keep in mind that is one of the recent sources of his “hatred” of interracial marriages.

After years of running off at the mouth about nonsense like that, we’re being brought to something that happened not too long ago…

Knowing that this footage is making it’s rounds in these internet streets, “Umar Johnson” took to Twitter to “address” the situation.

Yes, I was at Cherry Hill Mall today. My iPhone crashed last night and the closest Apple store with an available appointment today was in Jersey,” said “Umar Johnson” in his attempt to explain this away. “As I was leaving the mall, I stopped at a kiosk to view the incense & crystals. That non-afrikan woman is simply the vendor.”

Right and we’re aliens from Planet Bob.

You can catch this exchange in video form below…

**UPDATE** “Umar Johnson” would later try to explain this away even further on Twitter with this rant:

Why did you dusty snowbunny loving betamales leave out the footage of me taking a pic with the Brother? That would’ve given context to the conversation with the vendor. Why did you remove the footage of me paying her for my incense? Lastly, why did you not show me walking off?

Which contradicts the first explanation he gave earlier.

One thing about it, “Umar Johnson” will always be the gift that keeps on giving regardless of whatever situation he is in at any given moment 😂🤣😂🤣😂