UK Man Vile Rehan Baig Awarded Donkey Of The Day For Having Sex With Side Chicks (Actual Chickens)


A sick husband who got his wife to film him having sex with 29 chickens can still keep hens as pets due to a legal technicality.

Pervert Rehan Baig, 37, was jailed for three years this week after killing the poultry during intercourse with several white and brown chickens.

As part of his sentence, the judge had banned Baig, from Bradford, West Yorks, from keeping animals for life but has been forced to make a U-turn.

Despite the ‘depraved’ and ‘perverted’ acts against the chickens, Baig wasn’t charged with any cruelty offences and the lifetime livestock ban has been lifted.

Judge Richard Mansell QC said: ‘I have no power to prohibit him from keeping any animal.’

However, he suggested that the prosecution might want to consult the RSPCA and raise the matter before the city’s magistrates to see if an order could be made because of the cruelty to the chickens and the dog.

Baig was jailed at Bradford Crown Court after hoarding sick home movies of him violating the birds, along with horrific images of trafficked young children being sexually abused.

Other footage recovered by the police showed Baig sexually abusing a dog.

Baig killed the chickens with his perverted and despicable acts, said prosecutor Abigail Langford.

Baig was filmed 29 times by his wife, Haleema Baig, 38, in the basement at their home having sex with a number of chickens on different occasions.

One of the birds was dead at the time and he was caught on camera putting another carcass into a bin bag.

Judge Mansell said when sentencing him that the depraved acts would make right-thinking people ‘sick to the stomach.’

The court heard that the sexual abuse killed the chickens. It was believed they had been family pets but there were none at the address when the police searched it.

‘The defendant caused the death of the chickens on each occasion,’ Miss Langford said.

Baig admitted three counts of intentionally performing an act of penetration on live chickens.

He also admitted possessing extreme pornographic images; three charges of making indecent photographs of children; and possessing cocaine and cannabis resin.

His wife pleaded guilty to three aiding and abetting counts by filming her husband having sexual intercourse with a chicken.

She was spared an immediate jail sentence.

The ‘home movies’ of Baig having sex with the chickens were ‘simply beyond comprehension,’ Judge Mansell said.

[via Daily Mail]