Lowkey has decided to give the people their first experience with, #Briana! The self produced track features fellow Southside Atlanta emcee, ForteBowie who is making a name for himself in the underground new atlanta scene. The emcees give us their take on this chick Briana and an underline message of “stop tricking off on these scandalous females”. Really smooth track to ride out to. Check them out at this years A3C Hip Hop Festival performing Briana at the 5 Spot in Atlanta Ga, Thursday, October 11th at 7:30PM-7:40PM on the Perfect Attendance Stage presented by Live Mixtapes & Fadia Kadar, hosted by GoodMusicAllDay.
@ThankYouRiez (feat. @ForteBowie) » #Briana (Prod. By @TheLegionMusic) [MP3]