Texas Mayor Tim Boyd Awarded Donkey Of The Day For Telling ‘Lazy’ Residents ‘No One Owes You – Quit Crying’

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The now former mayor of Colorado City is catching some heat after a social media post berating citizens affected by the cold.

In a Facebook post made Tuesday morning, Tim Boyd wrote that it is “not the local government’s responsibility to support you during trying times like this! Sink or swim, it’s your choice!”

Addressing power outages, Boyd writes, “The City and County, along with power providers or any other service owes you NOTHING! I’m sick and tired of people looking for a damn handout!”

“Only the strong will survive and the weak will parish (sic),” Boyd continues.

Boyd made another social media post later Tuesday afternoon saying he “won’t deny for one minute” what he said in the post, and that many of the things he wrote were “taken out of context.”

In the same post, Boyd writes that he had already turned in his resignation, although it is unclear if he did so before or after writing the initial Facebook post.

Calls made to Boyd were not immediately returned.

[via KRBC]