Stream Homage CVG & Waldo From Cincinnati’s ‘Used Cars’ Beat Tape (@HomageCVG @WaldoFromCin @FortAncientRec)

Homage Cvg & Waldo From Cincinnati Used Cars [beat Tape Artwork]

Used Cars is a super-crafted mosaic of samples that coalesces into another full-length beat tape by Fort Ancient Records beatmakers Homage CVG & Waldo From Cincinnati.

The pair returns together after releasing their critically-acclaimed album, Grocery Choppin’, which was named one of the best albums from Cincinnati artists by CityBeat Magazine in 2017.

The mostly instrumental project features lyrical appearances by Donwill, Jermiside, & Ali Miller (fka Truck North).

Fort Ancient Records is an independent beat collective in Cincinnati and was founded in March 2017.

The Used Cars beat tape is also available to stream & cop on iTunes | Bandcamp | Spotify