Stephen A. Smith Is Still Mad About O.J. Simpson Release

Stephen A. Smith Is Still Mad About O.J. Simpson Release

As already reported, former NFL player/actor O.J. Simpson was recently paroled by the Nevada Department of Corrections. But not everybody will be willing to welcome him with open arms when he comes home in October.

In a recent ESPN broadcast, Stephen A. Smith went out of his way to drag Simpson through the mud once again by labeling him as a double-murderer plus more feeling that he should never get out of jail. Knowing that this is still a hot-button topic for Smith, I still believe to this day that Simpson fucked one of his women when he was on the outside (LOL) judging by his reaction to this situation, but who knows why he is shook like he is in this video.

You can watch the continuous meltdown of Stephen A. Smith go down below…