Stephanie ‘Bagel Karen’ Denaro Awarded Donkey Of The Day For Calling Black NYC Bagel Shop Employee The N-Word + Using Her Biracial Children As Defense

Stephanie ‘Bagel Karen’ Denaro Awarded Donkey Of The Day For Calling Black NYC Bagel Shop Employee The N-Word + Using Her Biracial Children As Defense

The woman caught on video calling a New York City bagel shop worker the N-word is an anti-masker fiercely opposed to coronavirus restrictions — who claims she didn’t use the racial slur that was clearly captured on video.

Speaking to The Post from her Lower East Side home, Stephanie Denaro, 38, bizarrely insisted that she never called the Davidovich Bakery staffer a “bitch-ass nigger” — despite being filmed doing so.

“I didn’t call him the N-word,” she said. “I called him a term to describe his behavior.”

She added: “Listen, there are different ways to spell things. I called him a specific word.”

The bakery employee, who gave his name as Victor, 30, was shocked to hear Denaro’s claim that she never called him a racial slur.

“Honestly, I really don’t know where that response comes from,” he told The Post on Wednesday. “I think that over a million people have seen the video and as it states in the video, she actually said those words …”

“I feel like it’s an insult to everybody,” he added.

Denaro — who’s since earned the moniker “Bagel Karen” or “Bakery Karen” for her viral tantrum inside Essex Market on Sunday — then whined about being refused service for not wearing a mask.

“I think that people’s rights are being violated being forced to wear masks,” she said, adding, “I’m a Christian and I don’t cover my face.”

Asked if there was anything she wanted to say to the staffer, such as an apology, Denaro responded, “I feel sorry for him.”

Before shutting her door, she added: “I’d like to say Trump 2020. Long live President Trump. Have a good day.”

The Queens native apparently attended New York University and is the author of two books of poetry, according to an Amazon profile.

Denaro, whose four biracial kids were present during her racist rant, is outspoken about her views on COVID-19 restrictions on social media and has claimed the virus is a hoax.

She’s attended anti-mask demonstrations and was spotted wearing a “Women For Trump” shirt at a COVID-hoax rally in Union Square on Saturday.

“I always see her when I cover anti-mask and MAGA rallies,” influencer New York Nico wrote on Instagram. “She is ALWAYS making super racist statements with her kids present essentially begging to get called out so she can claim she can’t be racist because she has mixed race children.”

Denaro also once reportedly sued New York City along with other parents over the closure of schools due to the pandemic.

On Instagram Tuesday, she claimed to have a “medical conditions” that prevented her from wearing a face covering and said that mask mandates were “unconstitutional.”

“So if you have a problem with me not wearing a mask mind your own business. It is a free country!!!!,” she wrote. “If I said a word during a verbal fight so what!! It is a word!! Get over it.”

Victor, the bagel shop worker, said he was “disappointed” about Denaro’s behavior and “all the lies.” He also said he was “sad” that her children had to witness the encounter.

“I’d preferred that she man up and [accept] her doings,” he said.

Still, he added, “I’m very calm about it and I pray for her.”

“I hope for the world to become a better world,” Victor continued. “We went through four years before that of division, of building walls, so I felt like we came into this new year … it was going to be a new era or a new way of thinking, a mindset for everybody, but [there] are still people out that still act with racism, with hate, so I just want everybody to act with love more than hatred.”

[via The New York Post]