Tom Brady and Snoop Dogg talk Super Bowl after-parties on SiriusXM’s “Let’s Go! with Tom Brady, Larry Fitzgerald, and Jim Gray” podcast.
Seven-time Super Bowl champion quarterback Tom Brady welcomed Snoop Dogg to his SiriusXM podcast “Let’s Go! With Tom Brady, Larry Fitzgerald, and Jim Gray” this week.
Brady, Snoop, and Gray talk about the youth football league that Snoop founded, Snoop’s wish to catch a TD pass from Brady, partying together after Super Bowls, and more.
Snoop Dogg: “Come on TB. They don’t, they don’t know that every Super Bowl that you was a part of in New England, I was at the party. I partied with you. Every one despite being a Steelers fan, I showed up for my Patriots. I showed up a TB and Mr. Kraft and them, and I was performing. I was hanging out. I was doing everything needed to be a part of the Patriot family. And I appreciate you all for welcoming me that was love.”
Tom Brady: “Always, you know, when Snoop was there, it was a good, it was the best time. So there was always request for who, Mr. Kraft would always ask the guys ‘who do you guys want?’ Snoop was always the first one out of our mouth. So, you know, he’s a part of some of the best moments of my life. And I actually have a funny story. So after the game that we won in Atlanta against the Rams, Snoop was there. And, I brought my son, my son was 11 at the time, the after party and the game ended pretty late. So it was midnight. It was in our hotel. So we had this so special, special spot on the stage with, Snoop had a pole up and there was some girls, they were clothed. But at the same time, there was a pole and my son [sic], was just, he had his eyes open and he was listening to music. And I said, ‘Jack, cover your eyes.’ And he goes, ‘dad, I’m good. I’m good.’ So it’s two in the morning. And we are having the time of our life and ‘I’m like, holy cow. If he tells his mother, I am, I ain’t going to see this kid for a long time, but…’”
Snoop Dogg: “Jack, Jack my nephew Jack…”
Tom Brady: “I’m telling you, it was one of the best moments of my life. We still talk about it too. I said, ‘Jack’, and he goes, ‘dad, I’m good. All right, I’m good.’”
Snoop Dogg: “Yeah, keep that under your hat Jack.”
Tom Brady: “He’s growing up quick that boy.”
Snoop Dogg: “That’s what I’m talking about, that’s the beauty about being a father, man, you get those precious moments that those are going to remain forever. Trust me, Tom. Those are going to remain forever, brother.”
Tom Brady: “For sure.”
Snoop and Brady talk drug testing:
Brady: “Snoop, I got a question for you. I’ve been drug tested all the time in the NFL for my job. When was the last time you were drug tested for your job? That’s what I want to know.”
Snoop: “Ooh, let’s try 1991.” (laughs)
Gray: “Did you pass it?”
Snoop: “No, I didn’t, Jim! What I look like passing a drug test? That’s one pass I could never complete!”
Watch a video clip of Brady and Snoop recalling the after-party following Super Bowl LIII, when Snoop performed after Brady and the Patriots beat the Rams in Atlanta below…
You know it’s a great party when @SnoopDogg shows up… Full episode of "Let's Go!" with @JimGrayOfficial is out now: @SIRIUSXM
— Tom Brady (@TomBrady) October 12, 2021
Shareable podcast links to the episode are available via Apple | Stitcher