about the video.
“‘fireworks’ is a true story about what i did on july 4th last year. i had a lot of personal stuff happening. and i was at my place, trying to decide if i should go partake in the festivities. i wanted this video to look like a dream. surreal in every way. and to tell the story of the two realities that went on inside my head that day (staying home alone at the pool vs. partying on the beach with pretty girls.” –Skipp Whitman
about the album.
“‘fireworks’ is one of the songs on a ten track project that is out now, called ‘Piece‘. the entire project was composed, produced, and recorded by myself with a couple of vocal features. in its entirety, it tells the story of my reality at that time. broken into contextual songs. work. relationships (the failing of). life. death. music. the pursuit of things. failure and minor success. im no good at writing songs about things i know nothing about. so this (full) project is me spilling my guts. (available on itunes, spotify, tidal, etc etc).” –Skipp Whitman