Shook White Woman Calls Cops On Native American Teens On College Tour

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In the latest incident of white people failing to control their own miserable fears about others, a 45–year–old mother at Colorado State University called 911 on two Native American teenagers who had driven seven hours to participate in a college tour because their presence made her “nervous.”

According to Splinter News, the two teens—ages 19 and 17—had saved their own money and borrowed the family’s car to tour the campus of their “dream school,” their mother, Lorraine Gray, said. But as the 911 call shows, another mother who was on the tour thought their “behavior is just really odd.”

“They won’t give their names and when I asked them what they were wanting to study, like everything they’re saying isn’t … they were lying the whole time. And they’re just wearing like very … they just really stand out. … Like their clothing has dark stuff on it, like dark things,” the woman told the 911 dispatcher, according to a transcript published by The Coloradoan. (Listen to an audio recording of the 911 call below.)

When police arrived, an officer told the young men, “Somebody from the group called and said that you guys kind of came into the group.”

“Yeah. We were late,” one of the prospective college students said.

“They also said that they tried to ask you guys questions and you wouldn’t answer questions?” the officer continued.

“They asked us for our name,” the teen responded.

Asked by the officer why they “didn’t want to cooperate,” the second teen answered, understandably, “We’re shy.”


The 911 call reveals more of the teens’ alleged “crimes,” which included wearing clothing with “weird symbolism or wording on it” and having “their left hand in his oversize sweatshirt the whole time.”

The caller admits she is “probably being completely paranoid with just everything that’s happened,” whatever that means.

“If it’s nothing, I’m sorry, but they, it actually made me feel, like, sick, and I’ve never felt like that,” she added. Poor thing. She also noted that she thought “they’re Hispanic.” Such horror!

Responding to the incident, university officials said they “deeply regret the experience of these students while they were guests on our campus,” Splinter News reported. They added that the “fact that these two students felt unwelcome on our campus while here as visitors runs counter to our principles of community.”