Serial Pooper Andrea Grocer Awarded Donkey Of The Day For Defecating In Parking Lot Eight Times


A Massachusetts woman was busted for allegedly turning a store parking lot into her own personal potty — pooping there a staggering eight times in roughly a month.

Dubbed the “Parking Lot Pooper,” Andrea Grocer, 51, of Ashland was allegedly caught dropping trou near the Natick Outdoor Store on Wednesday morning, according to

Police said they had been investigating since the fecal matter began showing up last month.

“At first, [workers] thought it was an animal but then they noticed toilet paper and other wipes — items animals would not have access to,” said police spokeswoman Lt. Cara Rossi, who said the first feces was found in early December.

After staking out the site, a cop allegedly spotted Grocer letting her bowels loose out of the door of her 2018 Lincoln MKX SUV just before 7 a.m.

When confronted, she told the officer she has irritable bowel syndrome and was on her way to her job as a nanny, a police report says, according to NBC Boston.

But she was allegedly seen waiting some 10 minutes for a nearby train and other traffic to clear out before doing the deed — and the cop pointed out that there were plenty of public restrooms nearby, the outlet reported.

The officer also called her employer, who confirmed she could have just pooped at their house.

Store owner Henry Kanner said he couldn’t understand why she did it — but was flush with excitement at her arrest.

“I’m so happy they arrested her,” Kanner said. “I have no idea who she is. This has been ongoing. She has defecated quite often over here. There’s nothing more disgusting coming into your parking lot in the morning and seeing a pile of human excrement.”

At Grocer’s arraignment Wednesday, her lawyer called her a “pillar of the community” who works full time.

She was charged with wanton destruction of property, and released without bail.

She is due back in court March 2.

Last year, a New Jersey superintendent was outed as a school’s “mystery pooper.”

[via New York Post]