Senator Kamala Harris On Education, Decriminalizing Weed, Gun Control, & Why Debating Is Important w/The Breakfast Club (@KamalaHarris)


U.S. Senator Kamala Harris stops by for an informative conversation on The Breakfast Club.

  • Howard vs Hampton
  • Background info
  • Black Panther Movement
  • Getting into politics
  • ‘Back on Track’ program
  • Decriminalizing weed/Mass Incarceration
  • Why isn’t the ‘Back on Track’ program a national initiative
  • Could an organization like the Black Panthers exist today
  • Guns in schools
  • Why didn’t Obama get gun safety laws passed
  • Is Jeff Sessions trying to erase everything Obama has done
  • Why aren’t you afraid to speak out against Sessions
  • How do we get our country back in order
  • #MeToo movement and Too Short
  • The Female Barack Obama
  • Alabama Senator Doug Jones
  • Being on the Debate team
  • HBCU’s
  • Corporate Donations

Watch the whole interview below and remember to VOTE in the 2018 elections…