When it comes to hip-hop, Denmark is rarely–if ever–included in the same sentence. One name that comes up when it happens to be discussed is Sicknature, a rapper/producer that’s also one-fourth of the German-based production team, Snowgoons.
Sicknature recently dropped his latest project, ‘Copenhagen Kaiju’, which is available to stream & cop here on The DigiSpot. He also took the time out to chop it up with us about said EP & more and you can give what was discussed a read below…
VannDigital: Seeing that you’re from Denmark, what’s the hip-hop scene like over there???
Sicknature: I honestly don’t see it that much given the fact that my audience is mostly overseas. But last time I played in Copenhagen, it seemed like hip-hop was doing very well!
While we’re on Denmark, tell us about your new EP ‘Copenhagen Kaiju’.
‘Copenhagen Kaiju’ is an EP that I did to step away from the political seriousness that my previous project, ‘Nature Of The Contaminated’, consisted mostly of. I felt that I needed to do some simple banging hip-hop that was easier to digest and sing/rap along to. The title was an idea I had because as the songs were shaped, it sounded like a big monster smashing through a city. Kaiju is Japanese and means strange beast. Some mean that Kaiju is actually a metaphor for nuclear bombs. Back in the days, we used to say something is “the bomb” if its dope.
How did you become part of the Snowgoons production team???
I worked with them from 2008 and joined the production quartet officially in 2011.
Any Snowgoons albums in the works???
We are working on something new right now. Can’t speak on it too much since it’s still in the early stages.
If you could’ve done anything different on the ‘Copenhagen Kaiju’ EP, what would it have been???
As of right now, I think it sounds how it’s supposed to sound.
Will there be any upcoming shows to promote the ‘Copenhagen Kaiju’ EP???
Yes, there will. It’s being worked on as we speak.