Radio: The @HipHopDigest Show: A New Sheriff In Town???

Radio: The @HipHopDigest Show: A New Sheriff In Town???

So, to show dominance, the Corporate Rapper is just going to BUY a radio station? Will heads roll? Can this even happen? Guess we’ll see. (insert bomb drop sound effect here) Empire is still all the rage, (yeah, it’s only been a couple of weeks, Mike Brown who? Hands up, don’t what?) Maybe what Curt G was talking about a few weeks ago is showing itself right now on your Fox or VH1 station. And then there’s the “Big” rapper talkin about ain’t nobody out here doing nothing of substance… really? Who ya talkin about son?

Yeah, lots of steam on this one! Better get in now! Enjoy the show!!!

The Hip-Hop Digest Weekly Pick Hits:
“AZ & Phil Gektor – Can’t Stop”
“Ilacoin (featuring Sadat X) – Keep It Street”
“Tanya Morgan – Blue Waffles”
“Jamar Equality – Cedar”
“Globetroddas – Love”

Albums Of The Week:
‘AZ & Phil Gektor – A.W.O.L. 2.0’
‘Tanya Morgan – 12 Minutes At Karriem’s’
‘Fuzzoscope – EARWAX FIZZICA 2’

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