Racism Continues To Play It’s Role In Trayvon Martin Case

Trayvon Martin vs. George Zimmerman [Photo]

The attorney’s for the defense in the George Zimmerman Murder Trial are at it again, and their strategy is definitely going to be to play to stereotypes!!!

In regards to picking their ideal jurors for the Zimmerman trial, a source close to the situation told Radar Online, the defense is:

Focused on seating the best jury possible that would likely acquit his client. This will be the most important part of the case, it will all come down to jury selection. The case will be won or lost before opening statements. The defense’s ideal juror would be an older working professional, or a retiree, and someone who hasn’t been following the case in the media“.

Gee, wonder who out of the jury pool might also be suspicious of a young African American teen, like Trayvon Martin, walking around in their neighborhood. Or better yet, who among that jury pool would give George Zimmerman a pass for murdering a young African American teen who was walking along in his neighborhood.