R.I.P. Lee “Q” O’Denat (Owner Of WorldStarHipHop) 1973?-2017

R.I.P. Lee "Q" O'Denat (Owner Of WorldStarHipHop) 1973?-2017

It hurts us to report this as The DigiSpot has gotten word that the founder/owner of WorldStarHipHopLee “Q” O’Denat, was found dead after dying in his sleep on Monday night (1.23.2017).

As most of us already know, Q started the controversial shock value website back in 2005 when he started uploading mixtapes, which later included a mix of rap videos, fight clips, & other appalling (mostly) camera phone footage.

According to sources, Q died of a heart attack but it won’t put the brakes on an upcoming autopsy which is set to go down today.

Lee “Q” O’Denat was 43 years-old.