Piers Morgan Awarded Donkey Of The Day For Disrespectful Tweet About Larry King Following His Passing


Piers Morgan has been dubbed “insensitive, narcissistic and disrespectful” after tweeting a less than flattering tribute to the late Larry King.

Longtime CNN host and Emmy-Award-winner King died at the age of 87, having battled COVID-19 in December last year.

Following the news of his death, Morgan posted a photo of the pair on Twitter, along with a caption that many felt wasn’t appropriate.

“Larry King was a hero of mine until we fell out after I replaced him at CNN and he said my show was ‘like watching your mother-in-law go over a cliff in your new Bentley’,” Morgan wrote.

“(He married eight times so a mother-in-law expert). But he was a brilliant broadcaster and masterful TV interviewer.”

Morgan’s tweet quickly drew backlash online, with the vast majority of comments condemning him for making the broadcasting legend’s death about himself, and including unnecessary jabs at the Larry King Live host.

“Bruh you make me ashamed to be British, this is the most insensitive shit I’ve ever seen in my life,” one Twitter user wrote.

“In the race for ‘world’s most loathsome bastard,’ Piers Morgan’s star continues to rise,” said another.

A third claimed Morgan was “not fit to tie Larry’s shoelaces”.

“So it’s all about you is it?” another asked. “Show some respect, it’s not about a petty argument. RIP Larry…”

Conversely, some commenters believed the tribute was fitting with King’s sense of humor.

“Y’all getting offended over something @kingsthings himself never would have been offended over…” one Tweet read, to which Morgan responded: “exactly…”

[via Newshub]