PETA President Ingrid Newkirk Awarded Donkey Of The Day


PETA president Ingrid Newkirk has been awarded Donkey Of The Day.

So, not too long ago, PETA president Ingrid Newkirk made a request to have her body barbecued after she dies.

Pretty hypocritical coming from a person that is the president of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals if you ask us… 🤔

Newkirk starts her explanation with, “I am deathly serious.”

We bet she is…

Newkirk continues her explanation with, “You can barbecue my flesh and you’ll smell it cooking with those onions, and you’ll think, ‘Oh, I want some of that.’ But it will make you think.”

Will it though??? 🤔

But but but wait… there’s more!!!

Newkirk elaborates more on her explanation with, “I have an executor, I have a lawyer, and I have a pathologist. And then it will be up to PETA… to use the body parts as they see fit to try to get people to behave in a more civilized and kind way towards animals. [T]he thought of carving up human flesh for steaks might be just the thing to jolt diners into kindness.”

Is that right??? 🤔

Keeping it going…

Newkirk concludes her explanation with, “I don’t think anybody will consume it. And we wouldn’t encourage them to do so, only because, I mean, we don’t think that it would be good for them to do that. They would feel very sick. All flesh is flesh, and please don’t eat any flesh.”

Of course nothing like this could be explained without the psychotic organization known as PETA adding their half-a-cent worth to this…

PETA’s explanation started by saying, “the will ensures that even after her demise, Newkirk will continue to help animals and honors her commitment that ‘my body be used in a manner that draws attention to needless animal suffering and exploitation.’

Will it though??? 🤔

PETA continues their explanation with, “Newkirk’s bodily bequests will inspire animal advocates while also encouraging everyone still slumbering in speciesism to wake up.”

Is that right??? 🤔

PETA brings it on home with, “Is PETA extreme for pointing out that more than 29 million cows suffer and die in the meat and dairy industries every year? Or for noting that in the U.S. alone, approximately 9 billion chickens are killed for their flesh and 305 million hens are used for their eggs each year? Did you know that more fish are killed for food each year than all other animals combined, as tens of billions of fish and shellfish are slaughtered annually?”

You can give what Charlamagne Tha God had to say on this situation a listen plus drop feedback in the comment box below…