HomeChannelsVideosOmillio Sparks (@TheRealOSparks) Explains To @DoggieDiamonds How Jay Z Reacted When He 1st Heard ‘Ether’Omillio Sparks (@TheRealOSparks) Explains To @DoggieDiamonds How Jay Z Reacted When He 1st Heard ‘Ether’ VannDigital8 years ago “So the DJ disrespected and played ‘Ether’ as soon as Jay Z walked in the club? Disrespectful!” –Doggie DiamondsShare This:TwitterFacebookPinterestRedditTumblrLinkedInEmailMorePrintTelegramPocketMastodonWhatsAppNextdoor Previous PostSwahv & O.P. (@JoeySwahv @_The_OP_) – Warriors [MP3] Next Post@YoungChris – Nicetown (Dir. @RadioSyheem) [Video]