A New York woman named Lynzina Sutton has been awarded Donkey Of The Day.
Once upon a time not long ago (2.15.2024 to be exact), a student at Lincoln Middle School–located in Syracuse, New York–was accused of lying about where she was during school hours.
The end result was the girl telling the teacher “my mother will take care of this.”
And “take care of this” she did because the next day, the girl’s mother–31-year-old Lynzina Sutton–went into her classroom and laid the smack down on the teacher in front of 25 other kids.
Of course, all of this happened after Sutton was able to get past school security with her hood up (keeping in mind Sutton is 4’10).
Anthony Davis, the Syracuse City School District’s Superintendent, had this to say about the situation, “When people are dedicating their lives to educating our students, they shouldn’t have to worry about this.”
Nicole Capsello, president of the Syracuse Teachers Association, had this to say, “I think everybody is rattled, whether you were in that building or any other building. Could this be me, could this have been worse, there’s all of those scenarios I think that goes through everybody’s head and it’s again going to be way heavier on others and people are going to need time and space.”
Capsello added, “We will support them in any way we possibly can. We know our teachers, all of our staff are resilient and they just want what’s best for their students and they love teaching but they deserve to feel safe and be safe in their school.”
Davis added, “I think the lesson in this is ‘how do we begin to make sure that these types of things don’t happen?’. This should never happen, and when people are dedicating their lives to educating our students, they shouldn’t have to worry about this. So more importantly, this teacher, any teacher, any staff member, any employee shouldn’t have to worry about this in this environment.”
Roxanne Thompkins, Lynzina Sutton’s mother, had this to say to CNY Central about the situation, “I’m sorry the teacher got hurt.”
Thompkins added, “That was never supposed to be that way. I apologize for that, and I hope she recovers. There’s always a better way to handle stuff and we were going to talk at the school to have a conversation, with the school, like we have numerous times.”
Thompkins on the bullying her granddaughter faced that could have led up to what Sutton did to the teacher (who chose to stay anonymous), “She’s been slapped, she’s been kicked, they’ve broken her glasses three times, they’ve broken cell phones twice, and all we get [from the school] is ‘Well what is she doing?’ They made her out to be the problem.”
Thompkins on Sutton’s eventual arrest for burglary and assault, “Nobody broke in. The doors were propped open.”
There’s more but we’ll let Charlamagne Tha God take over from here…