Neo-Nazi Tracked Down & Knocked Out By Black Man He Allegedly Harassed

N Mduzk0ylc

As life works: some people already know to stay out of trouble while some people always have to learn lessons through the school of hard knocks.

According to Raw Story:

A man who walked around Seattle wearing a Nazi armband got punched in the face after he allegedly harassed a black passenger on a bus.

BuzzFeed reports that the unidentified Nazi was first spotted riding on a bus, where witnesses say he was harassing a black passenger. From there, anti-fascist activists used social media to track the man’s whereabouts, and he was eventually spotted on a street corner in the downtown area.

While there, he got into a confrontation with unidentified people who objected to him walking around wearing a Nazi arm band. At one point, one man punched the neo-Nazi directly in the face, which knocked him onto the sidewalk.

In an interview with BuzzFeed, one of the anonymous social media users who helped track the Seattle Nazi applauded the unidentified man who knocked the Nazi to the ground.

“I would say that we successfully identified, tracked and coordinated to neutralize a clear and present danger to Seattle,” said the user. “Whether we coordinated the actual punch or not… I, for one, applaud the anonymous hero.”